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Unanswered Questions

30 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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In Lean 4 prover, how to include a constructor into the search scope of a tactic?

I'm translating a soundness proof of system F- from Rocq to Lean 4. Here is part of the relevant Rocq code: ...
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0 answers

"Pausing updating" Tactic state mid-sentence by a shortcut key or a setting in Lean 4 VSCode extension?

While entering Lean 4 proofs involving mathlib, I noticed that the Lean often get stuck in updating the Tactic state in Infoview while new characters are entered and the current command is not yet ...
3 votes
0 answers

Manipulating Summations ∑ and telescopic sums in Lean 4

I want to prove the following lemma: ...
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0 answers

tactic 'rewrite' failed, pattern is a metavariable

example {p q : Prop} (H: p) : ¬ ¬ p := by rewrite [←Classical.not_not] at H Error: ...
2 votes
0 answers

Defining Brownian Motion in Lean4

(Disclaimer: I'm worried that this question will appear lazy, but I did spend some time on it and am about to give up.) In Mathlib, under probability, there are processes, filtrations and martingales. ...
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0 answers

How to enter in Lean 4 the unicode for "LEFT SQUARE BRACKET WITH TICK IN TOP CORNER"

I am using Lean 4 (4.3) and trying to enter some stylized brackets in Unicode: ⦍ . Per this question, I tried to hover the mouse in VS Code over its definition: ...
4 votes
0 answers

How do I write a definition/theorem with an arbitrary number $n$ of types?

I am trying to use mathlib to write the definition of a monoidally well-pointed monoidal category. This definition goes like: For all parallel pairs of morphisms $f, g : A_1 \otimes \cdots \otimes A_n ...
2 votes
0 answers

Proof Checking for State Machines Similar to TLA+

I'm wanting to find a modern proof assistant that I can use for modeling distributed systems or similar protocols/algorithms. TLA+ is the most commonly used language in that field, but I recently ...
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0 answers

Arbitrary sorting of non-comparable elements? (Lean 4)

In Lean I'm working a lot with partial orders, and they have this property that not every element is necessarily comparable (i.e. for a, b in P where P is a partial order, it may not be true that ...
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0 answers

Obtaining Elements in Linked Lists in Lean4

I am currently working on a proof involving chains in partially ordered sets in Lean right now, and am facing some issues regarding obtaining an element from a chain of arbitrary length (e.g. given a ...
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0 answers

How does one install new dependencies to a Lean 4 programatically e.g., adding aesop by editing lakefile.lean in bash?

I have a github repo at (note it's not a Lean 4 project): $HOME/learning_lean with a Lean 4 project at: ...
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0 answers

Inductive assumption in inductive case

likely stupid question here, I'm sure, but I have been trying fruitlessly with little success to figure this problem out. Here is a toy example. Suppose we have this. ...
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0 answers

How does one create a lean project even if it already exists e.g., lake +leanprover/lean4:nightly-2023-02-04 new my_project math?

I want to initialize a lean project but the folder I have already exists. How do I do this? e.g., ...
4 votes
0 answers

Proving "proof methods" as theorems in type-theory based proof systems

For example, suppose we have proved associativity of some binary operator $+ : T \to T$ as add_assoc : forall (x y : T), x + y + z = x + (y + z). We can thus prove ...
1 vote
1 answer

An installation error in "Mathematics in Lean"

I have just started learning Lean 4 using Mathematics in Lean in Visual Studio Code, and I ran into a problem right away. I get the following error message: ...

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