
The immediate impetus for this is watching this video by Mario Carneiro; around the 8:05 mark he mentions dependent type theory. That reminded me of a question I first had years ago about why dependent products and sums are named the way they are.

A dependent product is a type of the following form $\Pi x : A \mathop. B(x) $. Its terms are functions that convert an $A$ called $x$ into a $B(x)$. If $B$ does not depend on $x$ then you get an ordinary function type.

A dependent sum is a type of the following form $\Sigma x : A \mathop. B(x)$. I do not have any practical experience with these types besides using poking existentials in Rocq with tactics, but I think its terms are basically pairs $(x, y)$ where $x$ is of type $A$ and $y$ is of type $B(x)$. If $B$ does not depend on $x$, then you get a non-dependent product type.

Naively, it seems to make more sense to call $\Pi$-types "dependent exponential types" and $\Sigma$-types "dependent product types" since their degenerate forms appear to be exponentials and products.

The standard terminology must have been chosen for a reason, though. What is it?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Your line of thought is exactly why the name "dependent product" is so confusing and ambiguous. I would prefer using Sigma/Pi types to disambiguate. $\endgroup$
    – Trebor
    Commented 13 hours ago
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ See this answer of mine to a similar question. It explains how binary sums and products generalize in two ways. Thus $A \times B$ is both a special case of a dependent sum and a special case of a dependent product. $\endgroup$ Commented 7 hours ago
  • $\begingroup$ To repeat here an intuition from that post which I find very useful to understand the issue: we learn in kindergarten that the product of two numbers is an iterated sum. The same pattern also applies for types, and is part of what causes this confusion. $\endgroup$ Commented 4 hours ago
  • $\begingroup$ Also note that more and more people seem to be adopting the notation $(x : A) \to B$ instead of $\prod_{x : A} B$ and $(x : A) \times B$ instead of $\sum_{x : A} B$. This makes it a bit clearer what each one generalises. Although this does not solve the ambiguity of "dependent product type"… $\endgroup$ Commented 4 hours ago

1 Answer 1


We don't call $$\sum_{n=1}^k 3$$ a "product" but rather a "sum", even though it is the same as $k \times 3$, a product. So it shares a name with the operation $+$. In the same way, we call the $\Sigma$-type the sum type, so it shares a name with the type constructor $+$, even though the degenerate case of $\Sigma$ is isomorphic to $\times$, the product. To distinguish the two types, we call $+$ the binary sum, and $\Sigma$ the dependent sum. This is however pretty confusing, so in my opinion it's best to refer to them simply as $\Sigma$ and $\Pi$-types.

  • $\begingroup$ Oh, I get it. $\Sigma$ is like a bunch of constructive disjunctions distributed over a type, like literally. Thanks that clears it up. $\endgroup$ Commented 12 hours ago

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