Very simple trees (I trew away everything unnecessary)
Inductive Tree : Set :=
| pair : Tree -> Tree -> Tree.
Fixpoint height (M : Tree) : nat :=
match M with
| pair M N => match ((height N) - (height M)) with
| 0 => height M
| _ => height N
Let A n be the type of all trees of height n and B n be the type of all trees of height at most n. Then B n = A 0 + A 1 + ... + A n and any tree of height n has form (pair M N) where (height M = n & height N <= n) or (height M < n & height N = n)
Inductive B : forall (n:nat), Set :=
| a : forall (n:nat), A n -> B n
| b : forall (n:nat), B n -> B (S n)
with A : forall (n:nat), Set :=
| pair1 : forall (n:nat), A n -> B n -> A n
| pair2 : forall (n:nat), B n -> A (S n) -> A (S n).
Trying to find a tallest subtree (disappointment)
Fixpoint subtree (M : Tree) : A (height M) :=
match M with
| pair M N => match ((height N) - (height M)) with
| 0 => subtree M
| _ => subtree N
Really I want to write functions
foo (n:nat) (M : A n) : Tree
bar (M : Tree) : A (height M)
and to prove they are mutually inverse
forall (n:nat) (M : A n), height (foo n M) = n.
forall (n:nat) (M : A n), bar (foo n M) = M.
forall (M : Tree), foo (height M) (bar M) = M.
I can define foo and prove the first theorem.
type is empty. Did you forget to add a leaf constructor? $\endgroup$