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Unanswered Questions

20 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
20 votes
0 answers

What is known about performance bottlenecks in proof assistants?

Background In my personal experience, the biggest bottleneck to broader adoption of proof assistants (in industry and mathematics) is the effort it takes to engineer proofs. (In lines of code, for ...
6 votes
1 answer

Tools to formally verify programs written in languages supported by the GNU Compiler (GCC)

Is there a website that maintains a list, or is there a list, of tools that support verification of programs written in languages supported by the GCC compiler front ends: C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran,...
5 votes
0 answers

Display style proofs using Coq

How to display proofs using in Gentzen tree style and (or) Fitch-style, using CoqIDE or JsCoq? PS: I'm rookie used coq.
4 votes
0 answers

How do I write a definition/theorem with an arbitrary number $n$ of types?

I am trying to use mathlib to write the definition of a monoidally well-pointed monoidal category. This definition goes like: For all parallel pairs of morphisms $f, g : A_1 \otimes \cdots \otimes A_n ...
4 votes
0 answers

Proving "proof methods" as theorems in type-theory based proof systems

For example, suppose we have proved associativity of some binary operator $+ : T \to T$ as add_assoc : forall (x y : T), x + y + z = x + (y + z). We can thus prove ...
3 votes
0 answers

Manipulating Summations ∑ and telescopic sums in Lean 4

I want to prove the following lemma: ...
3 votes
0 answers

Bounding Volume Proof Assistant Library

I am interested in learning Lean/Coq/Isabelle etc. and wanted to try to formalize Joseph O'Rourke's Minimum Bounding Box Algorithm. I do not have much experience with proof assistant tools. Is there a ...
3 votes
0 answers

Where is the discriminate tactic defined in Coq?

One can read the Coq documentation about discriminate tactic here. Were is this tactic actually defined?
2 votes
0 answers

Countermodel generators for constructive logics

Is there any software out there that can generate countermodels in some form for non-theorems in a constructive logic? I am especially interested in generating countermodels for theorems that are ...
2 votes
0 answers

How can this code about square matrices be fixed?

I am writing code that involves square matrices and their square-symmetries, but I cannot get to the bottom of it: in particular, I aim to define matrix transformations (that actually compute ...
2 votes
0 answers

Proof Checking for State Machines Similar to TLA+

I'm wanting to find a modern proof assistant that I can use for modeling distributed systems or similar protocols/algorithms. TLA+ is the most commonly used language in that field, but I recently ...
2 votes
0 answers

Problem working with FMapWeakList and Parametrized Records

Consider the following definition of a record R, parametrized over an arbitrary eqType: ...
2 votes
0 answers

Algebraic manipulation: what is the best tool?

I have a set of algebraic axioms. I need to prove an equation, an algebraic law. What I did was applying "trivial" rewrite rules by a theorem prover from both ends, and then an automatic ...
2 votes
0 answers

Formally verified email or communication?

This question is contextualized by having an account hacked which is prompting me to move towards something I’ve long wanted to anyway. I would like to consider the simplest possible formally verified ...
1 vote
0 answers

ACL2 and modular arithmetic

I'm trying to prove Motrellin's lemma in ACL2. $$ \forall m, n \in \mathbb{N} \mathop. 2m = 3n \to 2 \mid n $$ I recently completed a very long-winded Coq proof of it and I'm trying to figure out how ...

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