I am still a beginner in Coq, so perhaps my issue is trivial but I was unable to find a solution by searching the documentation available online. I am defining in Coq the syntax of a programming language, where each statement has a location, i.e., a label distinguishing all the statements of a same program. I would like to define a function stmt_list_stmt
that takes as input a list of statements and a location, and returns the statement in the list at that location, if any. The main types are as follows:
Inductive syn_loc : Type :=
| loc : nat -> syn_loc.
Inductive syn_stmt : Type :=
| stmt_load : syn_loc -> string -> syn_stmt (* load <variable name> on top of stack *)
| stmt_store : syn_loc -> string -> syn_stmt (* store top of stack in <variable name> *)
| stmt_return : syn_loc -> syn_stmt. (* return from method call *)
My initial definition of the function is the following (wrong) one:
Fixpoint stmt_list_stmt (stmts : list syn_stmt) (l : syn_loc) : option syn_stmt :=
match stmts with
| nil => None
| cons stmt other_stmts => if (loc_stmt stmt) = l then Some stmt else (stmt_list_stmt other_stmts l) (* wrong! *)
Definition loc_stmt (stmt : syn_stmt) : syn_loc :=
match stmt with
| stmt_load l _ => l
| stmt_store l _ => l
| stmt_return l => l
This does not work because (loc_stmt stmt) = l
has type Prop
, and Coq expects an inductive type with two constructors. With my current knowledge I am stuck - I am unable to express the above conditional in a way that is palatable to Coq. What am I missing?
(loc_stmt stmt) = l
to be either true or false, unless you proved that it is either true or false. Or you can add this as an axiom: Everything is either true or false. $\endgroup$