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11 votes

What is hereditary substitution and why should I use it?

First, eta for sums is not feasible, if you want to avoid quotients or conversion relations. I don't know about any description of eta-normal forms for sum types in the literature; the closest are &...
András Kovács's user avatar
7 votes

Canonical forms of combinators

Combinators all have a predefined arity, and normal forms consist of underapplied combinators, whose arguments are normal forms. This is different from lambda calculi, where you also need neutral ...
Trebor's user avatar
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7 votes

What is hereditary substitution and why should I use it?

Just a note about sum types: it's fair to say that eta for sums is not yet tractable, but I'd strongly disagree with the claim that it's practically infeasible in general. Regardless of whether they ...
Neel Krishnaswami's user avatar
6 votes

Conflicting terminology for completeness/soundness of normalization algorithm

Both answers are correct. Soundness in general means “nothing bad happens”. In the context of equational theories, the following would be sound phenomena: A theory is sound (with respect to a given ...
Andrej Bauer's user avatar

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