I am trying to prove the transitivity of <
. But I got stuck as the proof found by Auto
(C-c C-a
in Emacs) causes an error. Also, I couldn't understand some of the new variables generated during the proof. The start point is:
<-trans : ∀ (m n p : ℕ)
→ m < n
→ n < p
→ m < p
<-trans m n p m<n n<p = {}0
I proceeded by case analyzing the proof m<n
. This gives:
-- ...
<-trans .zero .(suc _) p z<s n<p = {}0
<-trans .(suc _) .(suc _) p (s<s m<n) n<p = {}1
The new pattern terms such as .zero
.(suc _)
on the LHS looks strange. I don't understand why they are needed in place of the regular zero
and (suc n)
. And they don't seem to appear when displaying the associated goal. For example, C-c C-,
on {}1
Goal: suc m < p
n<p : suc n < p
m<n : m < n
n : ℕ (not in scope)
m : ℕ (not in scope)
p : ℕ
(Note that m and n are indicated as "not in scope", while the dot-patterns do not show up).
Further cases analysis on this hole and n<p
turns the equation to:
-- ...
<-trans .(suc _) .(suc _) .(suc _) (s<s m<n) (s<s n<p) = {}1
, and there is a new not-in-scope variables n_1 in the context:
Goal: suc m < suc n
n<p : n₁ < n
n : ℕ (not in scope)
m<n : m < n₁
n₁ : ℕ (not in scope)
m : ℕ (not in scope)
A bigger issue is that the Auto
-generated proof (C-c C-a
) doesn't type check:
-- ...
<-trans .(suc _) .(suc _) .(suc _) (s<s m<n) (s<s n<p) = s<s (<-trans m n₁ n m<n n<p)
When loaded (C-c C-l
), the above proof generates an error about m
in the Auto solution is not in scope:
m at ...Relations.agda:177,71-72
when scope checking m
Could someone help explain why are these dot-patterns and not-in-scope variables necessary, and how to solve the issue?
Moreover, is there a way to instruct Agda (2.6.3) and Emacs (29.1, Ubuntu 22.04) to avoid generating these dot-patterns?