I have this type in Coq:
Inductive s_symb : Type :=
| s_symb_expr : nat -> s_symb
| s_symb_fld : nat -> list string -> s_symb.
I want to create a MSetWeakList of s_symb, so I need to prove the type decidable. My usual routine, learnt from some StackOverflow articles, is along these lines:
From Coq Require Import MSets.MSetWeakList.
From Coq Require Import Structures.DecidableType.
From Coq Require Import Structures.DecidableTypeEx.
Module SSymb_as_MDT <: MiniDecidableType.
Definition t := s_symb.
Theorem eq_dec : forall s1 s2 : s_symb, { s1 = s2 } + { s1 <> s2 }.
intro s1. induction s1. intro s2. destruct s2.
- assert ({n = n0} + {n <> n0}) by apply Nat.eq_dec. sauto.
- sauto.
- intro s2. destruct s2.
* assert ({n = n0} + {n <> n0}) by apply Nat.eq_dec. sauto.
* assert ({n = n0} + {n <> n0}) by apply Nat.eq_dec. assert ({l = l0} + {l <> l0}) by apply ListString_as_MDT.eq_dec. sauto.
End SSymb_as_MDT.
Module SSymb_as_UDT <: UsualDecidableType := Make_UDT(SSymb_as_MDT).
Module SSymb_as_DT <: DecidableType := UDT_to_DT(SSymb_as_UDT).
Module SetSymb := MSetWeakList.Make(SSymb_as_DT).
Unfortunately this does not work: the last row is rejected with the error "The field eq_equiv is missing in SSymb_as_DT". So I read more StackOverflow and I learnt that I shall also define eq_equiv, a proof of the fact that the equality is an equivalence. I tried to add it to SSymb_as_MDT this way:
Module SSymb_as_MDT <: MiniDecidableType.
Definition t := s_symb.
Definition eq := @eq s_symb.
Theorem eq_dec : forall s1 s2 : s_symb, { s1 = s2 } + { s1 <> s2 }.
Proof. (* as above *)
Theorem eq_equiv : Equivalence eq.
split. congruence. congruence. congruence.
End SSymb_as_MDT.
but while Coq is happy with the definitions and the new proof, still the module SSymb_as_DT cannot see it, and I have the same error message. What shall I do for eq_equiv to be visible to SSymb_as_DT? As a second question, why eq_equiv was missing in first place? Shouldn't Make_UDT or UDT_to_DT add it in a somehow standard way?