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Mike Shulman's user avatar
Mike Shulman
  • Member for 2 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
43 votes

Has anyone ever accidentally "proven" a false theorem with type-in-type?

18 votes

When to use coinductive types?

17 votes

What are the motivations for different variants of categorical models of dependent type?

16 votes

How to represent mathematical partial functions in a type-theory based proof assistant?

16 votes

What are some examples of proof assistants doing something useful?

11 votes

What set-theoretic definitions can't easily be formalized in a type theory?

11 votes

Type Checking Undecidable in Extensional Type Theory

10 votes

What are the advantages of normalization by evaluation over traditional reduction-based normalization?

8 votes

What about dependent types is useful for theorem provers?

8 votes

Ergonomic use of multicategories in proof assistants

6 votes

To what extent is formalized mathematics publishable?

6 votes

Finding symbols in Lean

6 votes

Examples of new mathematics discovered through formalization?

5 votes

How to state and prove the associativity of append of sized vectors with homogeneous equality?

5 votes

Why are impredicative constructions used less in type theory than in material set theory?

4 votes

When is hProp equivalent to the subobject classifier?

3 votes

List of general purpose Coq sublanguages for defining custom tactics

3 votes

Counterexamples in Type Theory

2 votes

Generic proof assistants/modularity of the proof assistants?