How to use Modus Ponens in L axiomatic system
I would suggest two improvements to your code:
Use implicit arguments, so that you can tell Coq which rule, axiom or lemma to apply without having to specify how to apply it.
Do not use ...
How does Coq guess `i` is decreasing?
The mechanism in charge of detecting whether a recursive call is "decreasing" is called the guard condition. Unfortunately, in order to allow for subtle examples like yours, it is quite a ...
Is it possible to simplify/normalize nat arithmetic expressions in Coq?
The ring_simplify tactic handles normalisation of ring expression just fine (the ring tactic basically simplifies expressions ...
Extensional sets in Coq and induction
Indeed, what you want to do is not directly possible: defining an inductive type mutually with a function out of it (here, the order-deciding function), is a complex type-theoretic feature known as ...
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