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16 votes

Incorporating Markov's principle in various proof assistants

There are different ways to implement Markov's principle, and they're not equivalent. I know of at least three techniques to implement MP. MP as a loop I personally find this to be a hack inherited ...
Pierre-Marie Pédrot's user avatar
12 votes

How usable is Lean for constructive mathematics?

First, a quick disclaimer: I am not a constructivist! However, I am a logician and I care about aspects of constructive mathematics and I really care about computability in general. As Jason mentioned,...
François G. Dorais's user avatar
12 votes

How usable is Lean for constructive mathematics?

I think given the other two positive answers, I want to temper expectations. Lean 4 is designed for classical mathematics in mind, and the developers don't have any current plans to support ...
Jason Rute's user avatar
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10 votes

Are there automated theorem provers for constructive logics? What strategy do they use?

The firstorder tactic in Coq is an "experimental extension of tauto to first-order reasoning." The tauto tactic &...
Jason Gross's user avatar
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10 votes

Lean: dubious noncomputability

The purpose of the noncomputability checker is to (try to) determine whether or not the VM compiler will succeed in making executable bytecode, which can be evaluated more efficiently (by ...
Kyle Miller's user avatar
9 votes

How usable is Lean for constructive mathematics?

It's worth noting that there are roughly two different standards of "constructivity" in Lean: classical.choice: if ...
Eric's user avatar
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6 votes

In a dependently typed language, are all types statements?

To make the basics clear: languages don't mean anything before you assign them meanings manually, and you can interpret the same language different ways. So if you want to interpret a dependent type ...
Trebor's user avatar
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6 votes

Lean: dubious noncomputability

(assuming Lean 3): There is a command called environment.decl_noncomputable_reason in Lean 3.35c or later that may help you diagnose the reason for noncomputability, or at least the declaration in ...
Alex J Best's user avatar
6 votes

How usable is Lean for constructive mathematics?

It is reasonable to ask, "what does constructive mathematics even mean in 2022?" It certainly owes nothing at all to Brouwer and Heyting's "intuitionism" beyond the rejection of ...
Lawrence Paulson's user avatar
6 votes

Why does it matter if canonicity holds for irrelevant types?

Consider the following type theory: \begin{gather} \frac{ }{\vdash G \; \mathsf{type}} \qquad \frac{ }{\vdash \Lambda \; \mathsf{type}} \\[2ex] \frac{\vdash g : G \qquad \vdash e_1 : \Lambda \qquad \...
Andrej Bauer's user avatar
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5 votes

Converting between formulations of reals in Coq

I apologize, but the correct answer is “you do not want to convert between different formulations of reals”. As a rule of thumb, you should pick one formalization of reals and run with it. Trying to ...
Andrej Bauer's user avatar
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5 votes

Algorithms obtained through constructive formalization

Cubical type theory, or any constructive interpretation of HoTT implies the computability of various aspects of algebraic topology. That means, you can encode concepts of homotopy theory into $\lambda$...
KANG Rongji's user avatar
5 votes

Algorithms obtained through constructive formalization

The logic group in Munich has worked on program extraction in the past decades. Most notably, they extracted a program computing the transitive closure of a relation from a graph-theoretic proof and a ...
Maximilian Doré's user avatar
5 votes

Why does it matter if canonicity holds for irrelevant types?

I will focus here on a universe of definitionally irrelevant types; let's call it SProp. In short, we can postulate any consistent SProp axiom, without breaking any constructive metatheoretic property....
András Kovács's user avatar
5 votes

LEM, the halting problem, the curry-howard correspondence -> deep connection?

Is it correct that the omission of LEM is the distinguishing characteristic of constructive logic as opposed to classical? Yes. Is it correct that the Curry-Howard correspondence is conditioned on ...
Mario Carneiro's user avatar
4 votes

In a dependently typed language, are all types statements?

You can look at the ways to define types as ways to define propositions. One simple definition of Nat is its Boehm-Berarducci encoding: ...
Li-yao Xia's user avatar
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4 votes

Why does it matter if canonicity holds for irrelevant types?

One answer is that (judgmental) proof irrelevance does not correspond to computational irrelevance. Proof irrelevance means that every proof is equal in some sense. But that doesn't mean the values ...
Dan Doel's user avatar
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4 votes

Type Theory research groups

External links The following pages mention researchers interested in the foundations or applications of proof assistants: Authors participating in the TYPES international conference on Types for ...
4 votes

Algorithms obtained through constructive formalization

In structural proof theory, a nice example of an algorithm arising from a constructive proof is the technique of hereditary substitution. In 1995, Frank Pfenning wrote a paper, Structural Cut ...
Neel Krishnaswami's user avatar
4 votes

Which proof assistants implement Church's rule?

Not the answer you would like to hear, but that would be "no proof assistant" (to my knowledge). The first reason is that Church's rule does not hold for classical theories but the ...
Andrej Bauer's user avatar
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3 votes

LEM, the halting problem, the curry-howard correspondence -> deep connection?

Complexity theory in general has very low logical complexity. Almost all of it can be expressed in Peano arithmetic, and often in much weaker fragments of arithmetic. Furthermore, the most interesting ...
Andrej Bauer's user avatar
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3 votes

Determining why my proof depends on the axiom of choice

I tried to replace parts of the proof with sorry, but I was getting confused by the results of doing so, so I made a small ...
Robin Green's user avatar
2 votes

Which proof assistants implement Church's rule?

You might want to give a look at A Certifying Extraction with Time Bounds from Coq to Call-By-Value Lambda Calculus by Yannick Forster and Fabian Kuntze. They define a set-up in Coq where using ...
Meven Lennon-Bertrand's user avatar
2 votes

LEM, the halting problem, the curry-howard correspondence -> deep connection?

I'll just try and address some of the more basic points, I'll let others deal with the more technical details related to proof assistants (see Mario Carneiro's answer for example): Is it correct that ...
Julio Di Egidio's user avatar
1 vote

Algorithms obtained through constructive formalization

I don’t think you can exactly call that a useful algorithm, but being able to actually compute with the proof that there exists an $n$ such that $\pi_4(S^3)$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ ...
Meven Lennon-Bertrand's user avatar

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