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Lean 4 is the latest major version of the Lean theorem prover by Microsoft Research. Use this tag for questions specific to Lean 4; if it's about Lean in general, use the tag (lean).

5 votes

How does one import Natural numbers in Lean 4 -- unknown identifier 'ℕ'?

They're there, they're just called Nat. If you want the abbreviation ℕ to work then you'll need a mathlib import e.g. import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic will be fine. You can then right-click on the notat …
Kevin Buzzard's user avatar
2 votes

What is the official way to reinstall Lean4 from scratch on a Mac or Linux?

I suspect (from your other question) that you're asking this because you believe you have things set up incorrectly, but hopefully my answer to your other question shows you that your set-up is fine a …
Kevin Buzzard's user avatar
2 votes

What am I doing wrong when proving the add_right_cancel theorem?

From hd: a + d = b + d → a = b h: a + d = b + d Goal: a = b you can use the apply tactic.
Kevin Buzzard's user avatar
3 votes

How does one create a lean project and have mathlib import work when not creating the lean p...

Your screenshot indicates that you are opening VS Code in $HOME. You need to open the root directory of the project folder instead. For example on the command line you need to run code . in the direct …
Kevin Buzzard's user avatar
2 votes

Type Theory Lean 3 to Lean 4

Some things changed but the type theory stayed exactly the same, so e.g. is still a valid reference (edit: apparently this is not complete …
Kevin Buzzard's user avatar