The proof of commutativity for addition of natural numbers has been used as a simple pedagogical example in some places, [including the Wikipedia page for Coq]( It is a bit longer than just "Hello World" but it is an example that is about as simple as one can imagine for a proof, while still remaining non-trivial. This is what the proof term (quoted from the Wikipedia page) would look like for Coq: ```coq plus_comm = fun n m : nat => nat_ind (fun n0 : nat => n0 + m = m + n0) (plus_n_0 m) (fun (y : nat) (H : y + m = m + y) => eq_ind (S (m + y)) (fun n0 : nat => S (y + m) = n0) (f_equal S H) (m + S y) (plus_n_Sm m y)) n : forall n m : nat, n + m = m + n ``` However, Coq users rarely write such proof terms directly. Rather, they prove theorems with tactics. Here is a tactic-based proof of the same theorem (leading to a slightly different proof term): ```coq Lemma plus_comm : forall n m, n + m = m + n. intros; induction n. - simpl. symmetry. apply Nat.add_0_r. - simpl. rewrite Nat.add_succ_r. f_equal. apply IHn. Qed. ```