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Questions tagged [free-variables]

An occurrence of a variable in a logic formula which is not inside the scope of a quantifier. (from Wolfram MathWorld).

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7 votes
2 answers

Policies on introducing free variables when rewriting?

When using a fact like x = y <=> x + z = y + z as a rewrite rule, it can be desirable to introduce an unused free variable into the result of the rewrite ...
Cris P's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Higher Observational Type Theory: variables becoming free in reduction rules

This question is based on the talks given by Mike Shulman on higher observational type theory (part 1, part 2, part 3). In trying to understand the reduction rules of the calculus, I tried to work ...
idka's user avatar
  • 73
1 vote
1 answer

In LEAN4 prover, what's the problem of generalising a type from String to a free type?

I'd like to convert the following code in Coq to Lean 4: (this is the beginning of the soundness proof of type system F-) ...
tribbloid's user avatar
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