As described in this answer, one of the differences between Coq and Lean is the presence of definitional quotients in the latter. By contrast, the absence of definitional quotients in Coq forces one to use setoids, as explained in this answer.
I'm wondering if there are any pen-and-paper type systems or logics that have definitional quotients in them; and papers describing such systems.
The motivation for this question is to understand the design space for quotients.
What follows is a clarifying example.
As an example only, I will take multi-sorted relational first-order logic (henceforth RFOL) and add something resembling quotients as naively as possible, giving us RFOL'.
In RFOL, we have constant symbols $c_1, c_2, \cdots$ and relation symbols $R_1, R_2, \cdots$. Each relation symbol has a type signature $S_{a_1} \cdots S_{a_n} \to 2$ where $S_{a_1} \cdots S_{a_n}$ is a sequence of sorts.
Let $R$ be any binary relation with type signature $S \times S \to 2$.
I define $S/R$ as a new sort. In an interpretation $M$, the interpretation of $S/R$ is the interpretation of $S$ partitioned into equivalence classes by the transitive symmetric reflexive closure of $R$.
For every constant $c$ of type $S$, I add a fresh constant symbol $c'$ of type $S/R$ whose interpretation is the equivalence class generated by $[\![c]\!]_S$.
I will also, for convenience, add many new predicate symbols $\in$ with type signature $\in : S \times S/R \to 2$ that holds if and only if its left argument is in the equivalence class on the right.
An RFOL' structure $M'$ is just an RFOL structure $M$ constrained to satisfy the following rule:
For all sorts $S$ and all relations symbols $R : S \times S \to 2$, $[\![S/R]\!]$ is equal to $[\![S]\!]$ partitioned by the transitive, symmetric, reflexive closure of $[\![R]\!]$.