I'm teaching myself about Lean4 using The Mechanics of Proof. I'm trying to solve one of the problems in the book 2.1.9 exercise 3
example (x y : ℚ) (h : x * y = 1) (h2 : x ≥ 1) : y ≤ 1 := by
have h3 : x*y > 0 := by addarith[h]
cancel x at h3
y = x * y / x := by ring
_ = 1 / x := by rw[h]
_ ≤ 1 / 1 := by rel[h2]
_ = 1 := by numbers
There is error on y = x * y / x
when applying ring
tactic. I think it should work but I don't understand why I cannot apply ring
here. Thank you for the help!
P.S. I think I should use h3
somewhere where I prove $y > 0$ but I didn't use it anywhere. Maybe that indicates I'm totally wrong on my proof.