
I'm trying to prove example (C A S: Prop) (h1 : C → A) (h2 : A → S) : C → S. It's this level in the Lean Intro to Logic game. So far I have

have a : A := h1 c
have s : S := h2 a
exact λc ↦ s

which doesn't work because I don't have c yet. I just don't know how the beginning should be. That is, I don't know how to get c : C to begin with. I tried have c : C → C := λc ↦ c, but that's obviously not it.

Am I going about this completely wrong, or am I on the right track?


1 Answer 1


I’m not terribly familiar with this game or what it has already covered before. However, as you point out you can’t actually use h1 until you have some c : C. I think right now the only tool you have to create such a c is λ c ↦ … (or equivalently fun c => …). But you can’t then make an intermediate lemma with have. As far as I can see, you just need to do it in one go with exact λ c ↦ …. (That is the most I’m willing to give as a hint.)

Later in the game (and certainly in real Lean), you can use the tactic intro c to make such a c:C and put it into your local context.


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