Sometimes, I have a context in which I have some l : list X
, and I want to prove the goal by proving that (1) If l = []
, the goal holds, and (2) If l = l' ++ [x]
, the goal still holds.
This usually takes the form of a proof pattern. For example,
Goal forall {X} (l : list X), True.
destruct (unsnoc l) as [ [l' x] | ] eqn:E.
2 : {
rewrite unsnoc_None in E. subst l.
(* now all instances of l have been replaced with []*)
exact I.
} {
rewrite unsnoc_Some in E.
(* now we have l = l' ++ [x] *)
exact I.
How can I write a tactic unsnoc_destruct l as [ E l' x]
which does generate this proof structure for me?
I tried the following, but it has the wrong order of goals, and I cannot seem to suggest better variable names using an as clause.
Ltac unsnoc_destruct l :=
let E := fresh "E" l in
let x := fresh "x" in
let l' := fresh "l'" in
destruct (unsnoc l) as [ [x l'] | ] eqn:E;
rewrite -> unsnoc_Some in E
| rewrite unsnoc_None in E; subst l ].
Including definitions and proofs used in the question above:
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Fixpoint unsnoc {X : Type} (l : list X) : option (list X * X) :=
match l with
| [] => None
| x :: l' => match unsnoc l' with
| None => Some ([], x)
| Some (l'', x') => Some (x :: l'', x')
Lemma last_inversion {A : Type} : forall (x y : A) xs ys,
xs ++ [x] = ys ++ [y] -> xs = ys /\ x = y.
intros. apply (f_equal (@rev A)) in H.
repeat rewrite (rev_app_distr) in H.
simpl in H. inversion H. apply (f_equal (@rev A)) in H2.
repeat rewrite rev_involutive in H2.
Lemma unsnoc_spec {X : Type} : forall (l : list X) (l' : list X),
(forall x, unsnoc l = Some (l', x) <-> l = l' ++ [x])
/\ (unsnoc l = None <-> l = []).
induction l.
- simpl. intros. repeat split. try discriminate.
intros. destruct l'; discriminate.
- destruct (unsnoc l) eqn:E.
+ destruct p as [l1 x1].
intros. split.
* intros. simpl. rewrite E.
specialize (IHl l1).
destruct IHl as [IHl1 IHl2].
specialize (IHl1 x1).
assert (l = l1 ++ [x1]) as H. {
apply IHl1. auto.
rewrite H.
split. intros.
** inversion H0. auto.
** intros.
replace (a :: l1 ++ [x1]) with ((a :: l1) ++ [x1]) in H0 by auto.
apply last_inversion in H0. destruct H0. subst. auto.
* intros. split; [ | discriminate].
simpl. rewrite E. intros. inversion H.
+ simpl.
assert (l = []) as H. {
specialize (IHl []) as [IHl1 IHl2].
apply IHl2. auto.
subst l. simpl.
repeat split; try discriminate.
* intros. inversion H. subst. reflexivity.
* intros.
replace ([a]) with ([] ++ [a]) in H by auto.
apply last_inversion in H. destruct H. subst. auto.
Lemma unsnoc_Some {X : Type} : forall (l : list X) (l' : list X) (x : X),
(unsnoc l = Some (l', x) <-> l = l' ++ [x]).
intros. apply unsnoc_spec.
Lemma unsnoc_None {X : Type} : forall (l : list X),
(unsnoc l = None <-> l = []).
intros. apply unsnoc_spec. exact [].