In the lean 4 version of the natural number game at , I can use tactics like apply x at h
and induction b with d hd
In my local copy of lean, which I believe is v4.4.0-rc1, these things cause errors. For example, induction fails when given a with d hd
theorem lt_implies_le (a b : Nat)
(h: a < b)
: a <= b
:= by
induction b with d hd -- "unknown tactic"
and apply
fails when given an at h
theorem lt_implies_le (a b : Nat)
(h: a < b)
: a <= b
:= by
induction b
induction a
apply Nat.succ_le_succ
apply Nat.succ_le_succ at h -- unexpected token 'at'; expected command
What is going on? Why is it behaving differently?