To build on Mario's answer:
A Lean theorem is passed through multiple levels of processing. The Lean text file is processed into as an AST, and that is processed further into a Lean declaration
. All theorems, definitions, axioms, etc. are declarations. A theorem declaration has a few parts, including a name, a list of universe names, its type (theorem statement), and its proof. A name
is more or less a list of strings. The type is an (elaborated) expr
, which is (mostly) an algebraic datatype that is fairly easy to serialize. (I say mostly, because expressions can also be macros sometimes which aren't serializable. (I don't remember if theorem statements can have macros in them.) This is documented in this paper, and you should also pay attention to the comments found in the code, e.g. for expr
Mario's AST extractor for Lean 3 is how to access the AST of Lean 3 file. It is one of the only (non-hacky) ways to get for example the tactic proofs or the start and end positions of the theorem statement text strings.
As for accessing the underlying theorems, there are a few ways. They all revolve around the fact that Lean has to store this information to be used later. It is used for example to invoke a previous theorem, to print a theorem with #print
, or to provide a tooltip. This data is stored in memory in the environment
, which is basically the global context. It is also stored in .olean
files which are roughly compiled Lean files. Finally, you can get it also from the extract tool. (I'm not actually clear if the extract tool which Mario mentioned above is different from the oleans.)
Now, if you want to get the data from inside Lean you can do the following. (One advantage of this approach is that it also allows you to use a bunch of Lean meta tools to filter and manipulate the data. You can also get nice metadata like the pretty printed forms of the theorems. The disadvantage is that you have to learn Lean metaprogramming, and the API is not well documented. Also, to my knowledge, there is no built in JSON extraction format, but it isn't actually hard to write and I've written both JSON and s-expression serializers for expr
in the past.) Here is a code snippet to loop over all theorems.
-- there is a mathlib script to make an all.lean
-- file which includes all of mathlib
-- import all
import tactic
meta def expr_to_json : expr -> string
| _ := "\"TODO\""
meta def extract_thm_json (e: environment) (nm : name) (univs: list name) (tp : expr) : tactic string := do
let j := "{\"name\": " ++ (repr nm.to_string),
let j := j ++ ", \"univs\": " ++ ( (λ n, repr (name.to_string n))).to_string,
-- display the type in various formats
-- pretty printed
let j := j ++ ", \"tp_pp\": " ++ (repr tp.to_string),
-- some built in s-expr like format
let j := j ++ ", \"tp_sexpr\": " ++ repr (tp.to_raw_fmt).to_string,
-- your format:
let j := j ++ ", \"tp_json\": " ++ (expr_to_json tp),
-- metadata
-- filename
file_name <- e.decl_olean nm,
let j := j ++ ", \"file\": " ++ repr file_name,
return (j ++ "}")
meta def extract_decl_json (e : environment) : declaration -> tactic string
| (declaration.thm nm univs tp val) := extract_thm_json e nm univs tp
| _ := pure "null" -- not a thm
meta def loop_over_decls : tactic unit := do
-- get the tactic state
s <-,
-- get the environment object and loop over all declarations
let e := s.env,
results <- e.mfold list.nil $ λ d l,
-- stop after 5 (just for example purposes)
if l.length < 5 then do {
decl_json <- extract_decl_json e d,
return $ decl_json :: l
return l,
tactic.trace $ results,
return ()
#eval loop_over_decls -- data is printed in the trace window
With some more metaprogramming, you can get more metadata and you can also print this data to a file.
Note, you don't talk about your application. I assume this is for machine learning or something where you don't need to actually put this data back into Lean. Getting it back into Lean can be a bit tricky to do.
Edit: All the above is for Lean 3. The principles are the same in Lean 4, but the specific code and tools are all different.