First, in a standard logic textbook (or at least a standard set theory textbook), yes, ZFC as a foundation takes place in first order logic (FOL). Each axiom of ZFC is written in the language of FOL. So the full set of axioms for FOL+ZFC consist of both the axioms of FOL and the axioms of ZFC.
There are also natural deduction systems for implementing FOL that are rule-based instead of axiom-based. For example, you may see something like:
A |- a \/ b A, a |- c A, b |- c
A |- c
This rule states that if you can derive some a \/ b
from some set of assumptions A
and also derive c
from A, a
and A, b
, then we can derive c
from A
. Axioms can be implemented as rules as well where there is nothing above the line, like:
|- forall x, forall y, exists z, ((x in z) /\ (y in z))
Proof assistants based on ZFC (or say Peano arithmetic) similarly use FOL. I believe this is what metamath/, Isabelle/ZFC, and Mizar use, modulo a few variations to the set theory. They may add support for large cardinals or proper classes (as in NBG set theory). I admit I'm not very familiar with the specifics, but you could probably consult the documentation for each.
To implement a proof assistant for FOL+ZFC, technically all you need is a computer system in which you can write a FOL proof in some text format and the system checks that each step is well-formed and follows all the rules and axioms of your system. But in practice you also need support for practical concerns like constructing definitions, building a library of theorems, and providing a good user experience (say, through interaction and automation).
While Mizar is a bit ad hoc, metamath and Isabelle are principled meta-logics that can support arbitrary foundations, not just FOL+ZFC. You may want to look at the documentation for either to get a sense of how one goes about implementing FOL in those systems, but it is basically just by providing rules and axioms like I described above.
As for recursive functions, in textbook set theory, functions are not really first class citizens. They are just sets of input-output pairs. Recursive functions can be justified by theorems in FOL+ZFC showing that a recursive description of a function on a well-founded set uniquely specifies a function on that set. I don't know if Mizar, metamath/, or Isabelle/ZFC provide any tooling to make defining recursive functions easier.
Edit: The chapter Foundations by Jeremy Avigad goes into more detail about the foundations for all the proof assistants including set theory based ones. Here is a blog post by Andrej Bauer about How to implement dependent type theory I. It wouldn't be much different to implement a HOL or FOL system. The principles are similar.