I was able to do this by explicitly quantifying over s
record State (s : Type) (a : Type) where
constructor MkState
run : s -> (s, a)
infix 0 ~~
interface EqM (m : Type -> Type) where
(~~) : {a : Type} -> m a -> m a -> Type
implementation {s : Type} -> EqM (State s) where
MkState s1 ~~ MkState s2 = (x : s) -> (s1 x) = (s2 x)
Warning: I haven't tested this for usability at all. But I'm able to at least define the instance.
Edit: When I try to use this, I get a weird error that don't think is related:
implementation Monad (State s) where
(MkState rx) >>= g = MkState (\a => let (a, x) = rx a in let (MkState ry) = g x in ry a)
lawfulMonad : (m : Type -> Type) -> EqM m => Monad m => Type
lawfulMonad m = {a : Type} -> (x : m a) -> (x >>= pure) ~~ x
stateLawful : {s : Type} -> lawfulMonad (State s)
stateLawful (MkState sem) = ?rhs
"Main.rhs" [P]
`-- s : Type
a : Type
sem : s -> (s, a)
"Main.rhs" : (x : s) -> let (a, x) = sem x in let MkState ry = g x in ry a = sem x
I'm not sure why the name g
seems to leak into the goal here, rather than pure
being applied. Maybe it's an idris2 bug, but I'm not certain.
Edit 2: It turns out that this is just shadowing: it was trying to turn pure
into an implicitly-quantified type. (Why it didn't show up in the context is still a mystery to me, but there you go.) Using explicit dot-notation, I was able to prove things without much difficulty.
lawfulMonad : (m : Type -> Type) -> EqM m => Monad m => Type
lawfulMonad m = {a : Type} -> (x : m a) -> (x >>= Prelude.Interfaces.pure) ~~ x
stateLawful' : {s : Type} -> (x : State s a) -> (st : s) -> ((x >>= Prelude.Interfaces.pure).run st) = x.run st
stateLawful' (MkState run) st with (run st)
stateLawful' (MkState run) st | (s', x) = Refl
stateLawful : {s : Type} -> lawfulMonad (State s)
stateLawful (MkState run) = stateLawful' (MkState run)
interface EqM m => Monad m => LawfulMonad (m : Type -> Type) where
triangle1 : {a : Type} -> (x : m a) -> (x >>= Prelude.Interfaces.pure) ~~ x
implementation {s : Type} -> LawfulMonad (State s) where
triangle1 (MkState run) = stateLawful' (MkState run)