The stack definition and a test function to work with it are defined below. (Maybe) only the nicety is that I need 2-levels of types (see in code). The code works (example can be compiled).
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Inductive type1 : Set :=
| Unit1 : type1
| Option1 : type1 -> type1.
Inductive type2 : type1 -> Set :=
| Unit2 : type2 Unit1
| Option2 {t} :
type2 t -> type2 (Option1 t).
Definition stack_t := list type1.
Inductive stack : stack_t -> Set :=
| Head {t ts} :
type2 t ->
stack ts ->
stack (t :: ts)
| Empty :
stack [].
Record stacks (s1 : stack_t) : Set := Build {
st1 : stack s1;
Definition test {ts_inp} (st_inp : stack ts_inp) : option (stacks ts_inp) :=
match st_inp in stack ts_inp_cp1 with
| @Head Unit1 ts_rest Unit2 st_rest as st_c1 =>
Some (Build (Unit1::ts_rest) (Head Unit2 st_rest))
| _ => None
Adding the next test1
definition rises an error
Definition test1 {ts_inp} (st_inp : stack ts_inp) : option (stacks ts_inp) :=
match st_inp in stack ts_inp_cp1 with
| @Head Unit1 ts_rest Unit2 st_rest as st =>
Some (Build (Unit1::ts_rest) (Head Unit2 st_rest))
| @Head (Option1 t1) ts_rest (@Option2 t11 t2) st_rest as st' =>
Some (Build ((Option1 t1)::ts_rest) (Head (Option2 t2) st_rest))
| _ => None
According to the error message, coq
is not able to see that t1
and t11
is the same type.
How to convince the coq that t1
and t11
are the same in the test1 definition?
UPD. This definition looks to me similar to what I would like to have (this does not compiles)
Definition computeType (T : Type) (t : type1) : Type :=
match t with
| Option1 _ => T
| _ => unit
Definition test1 {ts_inp} (st_inp : stack ts_inp) : option (stacks ts_inp) :=
match st_inp in stack ts_inp_cp1 with
| @Head Unit1 ts_rest Unit2 st_rest as st =>
Some (Build (Unit1::ts_rest) (Head Unit2 st_rest))
| @Head (Option1 t1 as t11) ts_rest (Option2 t2 as t22) st_rest as st' =>
match t11, t22 in type2 (Option1 t21) return type2 t11 -> @computeType (option (stacks (t11 :: ts_rest))) t11 with
| Option1 _, Option2 _ => fun x => Some (Build _ (Head x st_rest))
| _, _ => fun x => tt
end t22
| _ => None
) issingleton
and which one isunderlying
. @gallais $\endgroup$