In other words, does substitution on partial elements create more clauses?
Do they share the same clause body?
Yes, you may check both in Cubical Agda:
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
open import Agda.Primitive.Cubical public
renaming ( primIMin to _∧_
; primIMax to _∨_
; primINeg to -_)
open import Agda.Primitive public
f : (i : I) → Partial i Set₁
f i = λ { (i = i1) → Set }
g : (i j k : I) → Partial ((i ∧ - j) ∨ k) Set₁
g i j k = f ((i ∧ - j) ∨ k)
h : (i j k : I) → Partial ((i ∧ - j) ∨ k) Set₁
h i j k = λ { (i = i1) (j = i0) → Set; (k = i1) → Set }
data Eq {A : Setω} : A → A → Setω where
refl : {a : A} → Eq a a
test : (i j k : I) → Eq (g i j k) (h i j k)
test i j k = refl
Also note that substitutions may produce clauses like $(0 = 1)$, which may be discarded, and like $(1 = 1)$, which allow to discard all other clauses.