I am trying to solve a couple of exercises in coq. However, with the following code:
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
(** The following axiom allows us to inhabit any type.
It is a way of indicating where you need to fill in
your own solutions. Remove it once you're done with
all the exercises. *)
Axiom fill_me : forall {X : UU}, X.
Theorem exercise_1_4 : ∑ A:UU, (A → empty).
exact fill_me.
I get the error Found type "UU" where "?T" was expected
at the line of the theorem statement.
I can replace UU
by Type
(which is definitionally equal, I believe), which allows me to start writing the proof, but then using refine (tpair _ empty _).
in the proof gives the following (even more impressive-looking) error:
The term "∅" has type "UU" while it is expected to have type
"?T" (unable to find a well-typed instantiation for
"?T": cannot ensure that "Type" is a subtype of "UU").
simple refine (tpair _ _ _)
and thenrefine empty
in the first goal? Do either of these give error messages? $\endgroup$The term "∅" has type "UU" while it is expected to have type "Type" (universe inconsistency: Cannot enforce UU.u0 <= Spartan_exercises.9 because Spartan_exercises.9 < UU.u0).