I am using a recursive smart constructor to return a sigma type, which includes the property that the type was constructed in a smart way. This is very basic compared to the smart constructors and number of properties I tend to have, but I am already running into problems. I was wondering if there is a better way to work with smart constructors and sigma properties. Here is my current example with the problem I ran into.
We want to represent some nested function calls for a very restricted language, for example:
and(lt(3, 5), contains("abcd", "bc"))
We represent the parsed ast, like so:
Inductive Func: Type :=
(name: nat)
(params: list Func)
(hash: nat),
We are still using nat
instead of string to represent the names, please ignore this, this is just for temporary simplicity.
The hash
field is important, because it is used to efficiently compare functions calls, so that we can reorder and simplify. For example:
and(lt(3, 5), contains("abcd", "bc")) => and(contains("abcd", "bc"), lt(3, 5))
and(lt(3, 5), lt(3, 5)) => lt(3, 5)
or(and(lt(3, 5), contains("abcd", "bc")), and(contains("abcd", "bc"), lt(3, 5))) => and(contains("abcd", "bc"), lt(3, 5))
For this hash field to mean anything, it needs an associated property that it was constructed using a smart constructor:
Definition get_params (x: Func): list Func :=
match x with
| mkFunc _ params _ => params
Definition get_hash (x: Func): nat :=
match x with
| mkFunc _ _ hash => hash
Definition hash_per_elem (state: nat) (x: nat): nat :=
31 * state + x.
Fixpoint hash_from_func (f: Func): nat :=
match f with
| mkFunc name params _ =>
let name_hashed := 31 * 17 * name in
let param_hashes := map hash_from_func params in
fold_left hash_per_elem param_hashes name_hashed
Inductive IsSmart (f: Func): Prop :=
| isSmart: forall
(name: nat)
(params: list Func)
(hash: nat)
, f = mkFunc name params hash
-> hash = hash_from_func f
-> Forall IsSmart params
-> IsSmart f
Ltac destructIsSmart S :=
let Name := fresh "name" in
let Params := fresh "params" in
let Hash := fresh "hash" in
let Feq := fresh "feq" in
let Heq := fresh "heq" in
let HSmarts := fresh "Hsmarts" in
destruct S as [Name Params Hash Feq Heq HSmarts].
Definition SmartFunc := { func | IsSmart func }.
Ltac destructSmartFunc SF :=
let F := fresh "f" in
let S := fresh "s" in
destruct SF as [F S];
destructIsSmart S.
Definition get_func (x: SmartFunc): Func :=
match x with
| exist _ f p => f
Definition get_shash (x: SmartFunc): nat :=
match x with
| exist _ f p => get_hash f
Definition hash_from_params (hname: nat) (params: list Func): nat :=
let param_hashes := map hash_from_func params in
fold_left hash_per_elem param_hashes hname.
Definition hash_from_sparams (hname: nat) (sparams: list SmartFunc): nat :=
let param_hashes := map get_shash sparams in
fold_left hash_per_elem param_hashes hname.
Lemma hash_from_params_is_hash_from_sparams:
forall (hname: nat) (sparams: list SmartFunc),
hash_from_sparams hname sparams
hash_from_params hname (map get_func sparams).
(* For the actual proof see https://github.com/katydid/proofs/issues/10 *)
Definition forall_smart_from_sparams
(sparams: list SmartFunc):
Forall IsSmart (map get_func sparams).
(* For the actual proof see https://github.com/katydid/proofs/issues/10 *)
Definition smart_from_sparam
(s: SmartFunc):
IsSmart (get_func s).
(* For the actual proof see https://github.com/katydid/proofs/issues/10 *)
Definition mkIsSmart (name: nat) (sparams: list SmartFunc):
(map get_func sparams)
(hash_from_sparams (31 * 17 * name) sparams)
(* For the actual proof see https://github.com/katydid/proofs/issues/10 *)
Definition mkSmartFunc (name: nat) (sparams: list SmartFunc): SmartFunc :=
(map get_func sparams)
(31 * 17 * name)
We can reconstruct our list of SmartFunc again from our list of params and the Forall property.
Fixpoint get_smart_params'
(params: list Func)
(smarts: Forall IsSmart params)
: list SmartFunc.
destruct params as [|p ps].
- exact [].
- apply Forall_cons_iff in smarts.
destruct smarts as [smart smarts].
exact (
(exist _ p smart)
:: (get_smart_params' ps smarts)
(* But when we try to retreive our forall property about params from our SmartFunc then we get the error. *)
Theorem get_smart_params (s: SmartFunc): { params | Forall IsSmart params }.
destruct s as [f is].
destruct is.
(* Error: Case analysis on sort Set is not allowed for inductive definition IsSmart *)
I have seen that it is possible to use constructive_indefinite_description
, but this uses an axiom.
I was wondering if there was a way to better work with recursive smart constructors and sigma types to avoid needing axioms?
Note in this GitHub issue you will find copy and paste-able code, that you can play around with, if that helps.
WasSmart : Func -> bool
and soundness/completeness proofscorrect f: Bool.Is_True (WasSmart f) <-> IsSmart f
. I find that decidabilty helps simplify a lot of this stuff and avoids axioms. There's also a trick to freshen Opaque decidable propositions. Basicallyfresh {f} (p: P f): P f := if decide f is left d then d else p
to speed up actual computations on Coq, or are you formalizing some real-world code that uses thehash
? Is there evidence that this isn't a case of premature optimization? $\endgroup$