
I'm trying to formalize a simple type system in Coq as an exercise.

I have a type Item and a type {x : Item | IsNormal Item}. If Sort is a constructor of Item and Sort satisfies IsNormal, what's the most natural way to produce an instance of {x : Item | IsNormal Item} where the Item in question is Sort?

I have an inductive type called Item which might be a read of a free variable (in this case a free variable is an $\mathbb{N}$).

I want to introduce a distinction between terms that are headed by a variable read and terms that are definitely not headed by a variable.

I'm trying to use sig types for this (see this answer and this link).

The thing I am having problems with is this definition. (I also tried a shorter version with match x with | Read x' => env x' | _ => x end as the body)

Definition in_env (env : nat -> NormalItem) (x : Item) : NormalItem :=
  match x with
  | Read x' => env x'
  | Sort => Sort
  | N => N
  | T => T
  | Nat n => Nat n

NormalItem is defined as { x : Item | IsNormal x }, where IsNormal picks out the members of Item that are not headed by Read.

This definition doesn't type check (error shown below).

In environment
env : nat -> NormalItem
x : Item
The term "Sort" has type "Item" while it is expected to have type

I think this is because Sort needs to instead be a pair consisting of an Item and a proof that the item in question satisfies isNormal. I cannot figure out, however, how to write such a thing.

Appendix A

Require Import Arith.
Require Import List.
Require Import Specif.
Require Import Notations.

Open Scope nat_scope.

Inductive Item : Type :=
| Sort : Item
| N : Item
| T : Item
| Nat : nat -> Item
| Read : nat -> Item

Definition IsNormal (a : Item) : Prop :=
  match a with
  | Read _ => False
  | _ => True

Definition NormalItem : Type := { x : Item | IsNormal x }.

2 Answers 2


If you look at how { x : A | P} is defined (for instance using Locate "{". to find out it’s a notation for sig and Print sig. to see the definition of sig), you can see that to construct an inhabitant of NormalItem you indeed need to provide a pair (or, rather, two arguments) to the unique constructor exists of sig.

There are two ways to do this. The first one is to simply alter your definition to the following (I took the liberty of factoring out the branches as you suggested)

Definition in_env (env : nat -> NormalItem) (x : Item) : NormalItem :=
  match x with
  | Read x' => env x'
  | y => exist _ y I

here I is the only constructor of True, to which IsNormal y reduces to in those branches.

Now this works on this simple example because the proof you have to write by hand is very simple, but often you want to do a "mixed" definition, where you give some part of it in a direct way, but write down proofs interactively. You can do this by hand, relying on the refine tactic:

Definition in_env' (env : nat -> NormalItem) (x : Item) : NormalItem.
  refine (
  match x with
  | Read x' => env x'
  | Sort => exist _ Sort _
  | N => exist _ N _
  | T => exist _ T _
  | Nat n => exist _ (Nat n) _
  end ).
  all: cbn ; auto.

However, doing this by hand can get quite tedious quite fast. Happily, Program and Equations can help making this kind of definitions more natural.


It is very unlikely that you really want to organize your formalization using predicates such as IsNormal. Instead you should define types that already carry precisely the correct information and use those.

I am guessing what you are doing, so for a better answer, please explain in your question what the Grand Plan of your formalization is.

Inductive NormalItem :=
  | Sort : NormalItem
  | N : NormalItem
  | T : NormalItem
  | Nat : nat -> NormalItem

Inductive Item : Type :=
  | Normal : NormalItem -> Item
  | Read : nat -> Item

Definition in_env (env : nat -> NormalItem) (x : Item) : NormalItem :=
  match x with
  | Read x' => env x'
  | Normal y => y

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