Without knowing more, I will say that you should use a definition because Coq will use it automatically.
How you want to treat PB
and PC
depends on what you are doing. Below I am showing that you can use the Section
mechanism to introduce PB
and PC
as (undefined) free parameters inside a section. These become parameters to PA
once the section is closed. It's a common technique.
We also intrpuce a parameter P0 : Prop
which is used as the undetermined value of P 0
Section MySection.
Variable P0 : Prop.
Variable PB PC : nat -> nat -> Prop.
Definition PA (t : nat) : Prop :=
match t with
| 0 => P0
| S t => exists x : nat, (PC x t /\ ~ PB x t)
(* Inside the section, the type of PA is nat -> Prop. *)
Check PA. (* outputs nat -> Prop *)
Eval compute in (PA 0).
(* outputs: P0 *)
Eval compute in (PA 3).
(* output: exists x : nat, PC x 2 /\ (PB x 2 -> False) *)
Check PB. (* outputs nat -> nat -> Prop *)
End MySection.
(* When we closed the section, the free variables PB, PC and P0 disappeared. *)
(* Does not work: Check PB. *)
(* PB and PC have become parameteres to PA,
so if we check the type of PA again, we see it changed. *)
Check PA. (* outputs: Prop -> (nat -> nat -> Prop) -> (nat -> nat -> Prop) -> nat -> Prop *)
(* Consequently, PA 0 does not work anymore because PA now wants three arguments. *)
(* Does not work: Check PA 0. *)
(* But we can provide specific P0, PB and PC. Here we instantiate P0 := True,
PB (m, n) := (m < n + 13) and PC (m, n) := (n + 3 = m). *)
Check PA True (fun m n => m < n + 13) (fun m n => n + 3 = m) 0.
Eval compute in PA True (fun m n => m < n + 13) (fun m n => n + 3 = m) 3.
(* outputs: exists x : nat, 5 = x /\ (S x <= 15 -> False) *)
, where do they come from? $\endgroup$