I recommend the ▸ macro, which you can write using \t
in VSCode.
-- definitions of Peano and gt don't matter here
axiom Peano : Type
axiom gt (a b : Peano): Prop
example (a b c : Peano) (h1 : a = b) (h2 : gt a c) : gt b c :=
h1 ▸ h2
The macro is quite flexible and can be used in a number of situations where you want to do substitution using an equality.
As for the more direct approach, I'm not sure why Eq.subst h1 h2
doesn't work, but if you fill in all the implicit arguments it works:
example (a b c : Peano) (h1 : a = b) (h2 : gt a c) : gt b c :=
@Eq.subst Peano (fun x => gt x c) a b h1 h2
If you are fine with the rewrite
tactic (which is a purely logical tactic), then that works well also:
example (a b c : Peano) (h1 : a = b) (h2 : gt a c) : gt b c := by
rewrite [<- h1]
exact h2
As for learning how equality actually works in Lean, I highly recommend you read the Equality section in Theorem Proving in Lean 4.
In particular, equality is defined inductively (just like the natural numbers) with one constructor refl
. You can even define your own version:
inductive MyEq : α → α → Prop where
| refl (a : α) : MyEq a a
Since it is an inductive, we can use induction (sometimes called "path induction"):
example (a b c : Peano) (h1 : MyEq a b) (h2 : gt a c) : gt b c := by
induction h1
exact h2
The idea is that if we can construct or prove P a
and we have MyEq a b
, then we can construct or prove P b
as well.
This is also easy to write as a case analysis using the single refl
constructor for MyEq
example (a b c : Peano) (h1 : MyEq a b) (h2 : gt a c) : gt b c :=
match h1 with
| MyEq.refl a => h2
Finally, if you really want to get to the very inner guts of Lean, you can directly use the rec
recursor (which I don't recommend for actual Lean code, but in this case, it is really simple to use).
example (a b c : Peano) (h1 : MyEq a b) (h2 : gt a c) : gt b c :=
MyEq.rec h2 h1
recursor. Thenmatch
, etc are built on top of that to make case analysis and induction easier. For equality specifically, the ▸ macro,rewrite
tactic. andcalc
proofs are designed to make it easy for users. And then there is even more powerful automation like thesimp
tactic on top of that. $\endgroup$